Cybersecurity for Library Directors and Managers


Learn the basics of cybersecurity any Library Director and Manager needs to know to help keep their library, their patrons, and their staff safe.

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Cybersecurity for Library Directors and Managers

Course Overview: In today’s digital age, libraries play a crucial role in providing access to information and technology to the community. However, this increased reliance on technology also means that libraries are vulnerable to cybersecurity threats. To protect your institution and its patrons, it’s essential for library directors and managers to understand the fundamentals of cybersecurity. This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to safeguard your library’s digital assets and ensure the privacy and security of your patrons and staff.

Course Objectives:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity concepts, threats, and best practices.
  • Learn how to assess and mitigate risks specific to libraries.
  • Develop robust cybersecurity policy tailored to your library’s needs.
  • Implement effective security measures to protect digital resources, data, and network infrastructure.
  • Ensure the privacy and data security of library patrons.
  • Prepare your library to respond to cyber incidents and data breaches.

Course Outline:

Module 1: Significance of Cybersecurity in Libraries

  • Understanding the cybersecurity landscape.
  • Key concerns for library directors

Module 2: Fundamental Basics of Cybersecurity

  • CIA and AAA-NR
  • Types of attackers
  • Basic protective actions 

Module 3: Library Specific Risks

  • Data breaches
  • Intellectual property concerns
  • Risk Assessments
  • Legal implications
  • Third Party vendor management

Module 4: Creating Library Cybersecurity Policies

  • Network security best practices.
  • Data encryption policies.
  • Incident Response policies
  • End User Agreements

Module 5: Technology Inventories

  • Advantages of a technology inventory
  • Best practices for a technology inventory
  • Asset management tools
  • Categorization of items
  • Role of inventory in security, risk management, and incident response

Module 6: Secure Network Architecture

  • Understanding Secure Network Architecture
  • Importance of Secure Network Architecture
  • Network Segmentation
  • Firewall configurations and best practices
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
  • Network Access Controls

Module 7: Securing Endpoint Devices

  • Anti-Malware
  • Encryption
  • Patch Management
  • Remote Device Management

Module 8: Multifactor Authentication

  • Understanding MFA
  • Significance of MFA in Libraries
  • User Authentication Methods
  • Benefits of MFA
  • Challenges of MFA
  • MFA Implementation
  • Training of MFA for Staff and Patrons

Module 9: Rogue or “Shadow” IT

  • What is Rogue IT
  • Risks Associated with Rogue IT
  • Identifying Rogue IT
  • Addressing Rogue IT
  • Transparent IT

Module 10: Staff Training and Awareness

  • Role of Staff in Cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity Staff Training
  • Phishing Awareness
  • Incident Response Training
  • Monitoring and Measuring Training

Module 11: Regulations

  • Understanding Regulations for your Library
  • Reporting Security Incidents to Authorities
  • Security Audits and Assessments
  • Compliance Documentation
  • Continuous Improvements of Reporting Metrics

Module 12: Summary

  • Review of topics covered


Course Delivery: This course is offered in a flexible online format, allowing you to learn at your own pace. You’ll have access to everything from the start, allowing you to skip to any areas you need immediate help on, while being structured in a way to guide you from knowing little to nothing to having a solid grasp on all core topics. Our experienced instructors are available to provide guidance and answer your questions as you have them.

Who Should Attend: Library directors, managers, and professionals responsible for library cybersecurity and digital resource management.

Duration: The course is designed to be completed at your own pace, with bite size modules. If you spend 2 to 10 minutes on each module you will be expected to be completed around 4-8 hours of learning.

Protect your library’s digital assets and the privacy of your patrons. Enroll in our cybersecurity course today and secure the future of your library.